What Is OCD?
You have probably said or heard someone say something along the lines of “I am so OCD” as they rearrange their home or workspace for the second time that day. I know I have said it. But how much do you really know about OCD?
OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and it is categorized as a mental disorder. Before discussing OCD in more depth let me take a minute and explain what constitutes something as a medical illness/disorder versus just being a bit strange or abnormal. The key difference between a quirk and an illness is the distress it causes the individual. Someone with a disorder or illness feels anxiety, depression, fear, agitation, etc. that is so strong and debilitating that it decreases their quality of life and interferes with their day-to-day activities. Someone with a quirk may just prefer something a certain way and if it is not quite right it may irritate them but not to the point where they experience strong anxiety/fear or cannot function.
When most people hear OCD thoughts of someone who obsessively washes their hands or is terrified of germs comes to mind. To some degree this could be an accurate representation. However, someone with OCD may have obsessive thoughts, that will feel intrusive and be all-consuming. Someone with OCD might obsess over a certain number, maybe they need to check the stove not once or twice but 13 times. The problem arises when it interferes with their daily life and impedes the quality of their life.
Symptoms of OCD range from behavioral to psychological with examples of hoarding, repetitive movements or behaviors, fear, depression, anxiety, repetitive thoughts, etc. to the point it hinders that person’s life. Keep in mind people can have OCD and not realize it because it is in their thoughts; a repetitive, reoccurring thought that evokes strong emotions of fear or anxiety and interferes with daily function could be OCD. This might not seem like the typical OCD people are accustomed to seeing, but it is still very much OCD and oftentimes can be understood to include the compulsions seen in OCD via thoughts or repetitive behavior in one’s mind. Treatments for OCD include, but are not limited to, therapy, medications, or a combination thereof. Unfortunately, OCD cannot be cured at this time, but medication and therapy can help! According to www.beyondocd.org this disorder affects all sexes, ages, races, and ethnicities, including children. In fact, 1 in 100 children have OCD and 1 in 40 adults have it.
The good news is pharmaceuticals are working daily to design a medication that can alleviate these symptoms for good. If you or someone you know is struggling with OCD, you/they are NOT alone! There is help!
TOPAZ is proud to partner with a company doing just that, designing medication to better the lives of those suffering from OCD. Reach out to us today (via the website, phone, email or stop by the office) to inquire about the trial and how you or someone you know can join today!
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